When it comes to foreign material detection in a food facility, different processes require different detection methods and equipment. There are several types of systems that can help detect foreign matter in a food process, among which are metal detectors, X-ray units and magnets.
To understand which method is best for a particular process, the first step is to review the facility’s written foreign material control program and understand how it is being executed. According to Bonnie Biegel, director of quality assurance, Americas, at AIB international, “A strong foreign material control program that adequately assesses risks, puts preventive controls in place to mitigate those risks and is executed correctly by a trained team will minimize physical contaminants in products and reduce the risk of costly product recalls.”
Choosing the best system for a given facility should be based on a hazard analysis, Biegel notes, which will provide an understanding of the risks faced, and direct implementation of the necessary detection systems. “Each system is then most effective when used correctly as part of a food safety plan and overseen by a trained team,” she says.
Barry Voorhees, metal detection product manager at Bunting Magnetics, says that when a company approaches them for foreign matter detection, the first step is to evaluate the process to understand it start to finish. This includes raw material entry points and equipment used, processing equipment from screeners, mixers, conveyors and more. “This is to make sure we have a full understanding of their operation. Then we discuss their concern or problem areas. What CCPs (critical control points) do they have established, and is there any existing equipment for foreign matter removal? Are they currently having any metal issues or is it a preventative measure to improve their protection?”